Friday, May 18, 2012

Five of Five!

Five posts, One week. It  has been awesome to capture and share our week with all of you ! Thank you for taking the time to read this. My hope is that if you are just getting started with homeschooling that this week provided some ideas for how things could be done. I wish there was enough time and space to share with you all of the other wonderful websites and blogs, books and programs there are but I thought I would just give you my top 10 places to get information and inspiration.

1. The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer (this is the best book I have seen for outlining what children should be learning broken up by grade and also providing a critique of the best curriculum out there)

2. Accountable kids ( a program to create accountability, develop values, respect, etc.) 

3. BrainPop jr.(K-3)/ BrainPop (4th +)- their is a 1 week free trial 

4. Study Dog - another amazing site for reading- their is also a free trial for this site

5. If you have young children DLTK is a free site with printables and craft ideas

6. a free site with printables that are amazing!

7. Family - again, amazing free printables and some lesson plan ideas

8.  has a website with some free printable material and lesson plans and additional ones for members

9. Keys for kids:  Online Devotionals for kids: You can listen to the key of the day or select from the menu  a particular topic/need   

10 . I Love Being a Mom by Therese J. Borchard ( a book full of encouragement)

( I left out the 101 Devotionals for homeschool moms because I told you about it earlier in the week but it would have made the top 10)

There are some things I think I have to say before I close this post. Most importantly, my way is not the only way to homeschool. There are plenty of moms out there who are doing wonderful things with their children in a different way. Some moms co-op, others use online/ Virtual school to homeschool their children, sometimes both parents work alternating schedules and both parents homeschool while holding jobs outside the home, some are unschoolers.  I love to garden , cook, and craft with my kids, take walks in the morning with them before school, and spend the last 15 minutes of our day together doing yoga, oh and drink coffee :) I love the freedom I have to choose how I want my children to learn. My kids have been in a community play, taken art classes at a local business, played basketball through inter-mural  activities at a local private school, etc . I say all of this because the point is , no matter how you decide to homeschool, make sure you stay true to yourself and your children. You will always fail if your heart says one thing and your actions are another . I wish I could take credit for that tidbit of wisdom but it came from a really funny Ghanese  man I knew who use to love to share African proverbs and wisdom with me. None the less it is true. You don't need to be Martha Stewert,  the Queen of bedazzling, or even wear a denim jumper -heehee! You just have to be you! 

Alright that's all I've got so go be the best you that you can be!  Oh and scroll down to check out a few pics from today's Adventures at Dinosaur world. 

You've heard of the eye of the tiger, well this is the mouth of the a few kiddos

Ya, that guy who looks like a tourist- that's my guy.

This is the rear view of a very rare Lucasaurous


Fish !

Kinda self explanatory

Giant sandbox!

This is the crew!

Digging for fossils

Seriously sifting sand for souvenirs- sorry we learned about alliterations this week :) 

I Took His Hand and Followed
Mrs. Roy L. Peifer

My dishes went unwashed today,
I didn't make the bed,
I took his hand and followed
Where his eager footsteps led.

Oh yes, we went adventuring,
My little son and I...
Exploring all the great outdoors
Beneath the summer sky

We waded in a crystal stream,
We wandered through a wood...
My kitchen wasn't swept today
But life was gay and good.

We found a cool, sun-dappled glade
And now my small son knows
How Mother Bunny hides her nest,
Where jack-in-the-pulpit grows.

We watched a robin feed her young,
We climbed a sunlit hill...
Saw cloud-sheep scamper through the sky,
We plucked a daffodil.

That my house was neglected,
That I didn't brush the stairs,
In twenty years, no one on earth
Will know, or even care.

But that I've helped my little boy
To noble manhood grow,
In twenty years, the whole wide world
May look and see and know.
 The poem came from here: 

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