Friday, August 31, 2012


Saponification: A process that produces soap

I love that word. It sounds so cool . I just wanted to give everyone a little update on last weeks post about the documentary "Chemerical"

Last weekend I went out and purchased the supplies to make the "Chemerical" laundry detergent. The total cost to set up this little experiment was $15.00- including the 5 gallon bucket to store it in. Everything ( excluding the bucket) could be purchased at my local supermarket. So all I needed was Washing Soda, Borax, and a natural soap- in this case I used Kirk's Castille.

The kids helped make the soap so it took a total of about 15 minutes
You should know that the mixture needs to set for 24 hours before you use it so that it  can gel.

 Left over supplies - enough for two more batches

For the recipe, check out:

 If I calculated correctly each batch would make 130 loads - conservatively - if you are using 1/4 cup per load. So for my $15.00 investment I can do 390 loads of laundry. I can tell you that if you buy T*** laundry detergent you will pay $19.99 for 96 loads. So if you are looking to be friendlier to the planet, friendlier to your self  health wise or just want to save some money this seems like the way to go.

So I am talking about saponification and I think Quinoa? The mother grain of the Incans?Yes, because Quinoa has naturally occuring saponin/ a soap like resin on it's seed coat . Kinda cool. The saponin actually prevents bugs and birds from eating it! This is why you must wash/ rinse quinoa before you cook with it.

So what do you do with quinoa? Well you can make salads from it or use it as a side dish similar to rice or couscous. You can also make lettuce wraps like we did this week in the picture below. Romaine lettuce boats with quinoa, black beans, tomato, onion, salsa, sour cream, and balsamic dressing for those avoiding the sour cream. What is also great is that Quinoa  is a complete protein ( the only grain that I am aware is) so if you are vegetarian on vegan this is a great source.


So that was my update! I hope you enjoyed! If you have any comments or information you would like to share on this topic please do  so at the bottom of this page. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lorax, Borax, and time to Relax....

Reflection is such an interesting thing, especially in regards to self.  Small choices made over many years have begun to solidify.

O.K...... maybe it's more like gelification, but regardless there is a shape emerging.

Somewhere along the way I/ we became what I would call a "natural" family. I am not sure if that is the right word but I don't want to use the word "green" because it doesn't quite fit.

Maybe it was the choice to give birth to all three of my children "naturally"? - yep that's right not even a Tylenol in sight..

Maybe it was the choice to give birth to my last child at a birthing center? Did I mention my husband helped deliver baby number 3?

Was it the decision to homeschool? What could be more "natural" than a mother teaching her children?

Or could it have been when we decided to start growing vegetables organically in our back yard? Could we use nature to grow food naturally?- YES!

I know........... it was 1 too many documentaries!

What ever it was, I like where things are going, and what I am beginning to see, how we can live quite happily, naturally......... - Woo! Did  I just break out with a little Dr. Seus-ness of my own?

So here are a few things I wanted to share with you........

This week we went to see "The Lorax"  We loved it- surprise!

A few weeks ago our family watched a really neat documentary called Chemerical. It's funny and informative. It documents one families experience as they exchange their commercial cleaners for more natural alternatives.

Check out their site to see the trailer:

* If you have Netflix you can watch it instantly!

So if you watch the documentary you will find out that borax is one of the "natural" alternatives for things like laundry detergent boosters. It also happens to be a key ingredient in making  FLUBBER! All you need is Elmer's school glue, borax, and water

This girl surprises me all the time. You can actually blow up flubber with a straw!

 Mom note: This is not at all a  messy thing and if it gets in your carpet or on your kids clothes it easily comes out with white vinegar- I tested it for you!

When we have time to relax the kids and I love to spend time outside and lately that includes photographing butterflies. Some of my favorites:


This season we decided to try our hand at growing loofah. Those are the natural bath sponges you see in the store. So far they are looking good and we have a few buds and"baby" loofah. By December we should have the final product.


I have a new addiction!........Monster smoothies! No they are not really called that but they are green and so the name fits. I wish I could take credit for the recipe but I can't so here is the link :

Wish I had a picture...... I know Kale, spinach, and pear smoothies probably do not sound delicious but it is so good!

So until next time.................

“It's not about what it is, it's about what it can become.” 
― Dr. SeussThe Lorax