Friday, April 3, 2015


I was laughing at the title which I wrote first.. Mr. E... mystery... anyway ..

Mr. E is a wonderful gentleman who happens to be a Master Gardener, Master beekeeper, science enthusiast, speaker, and educator. We are blessed that he is willing to share his passion with a group of homeschoolers which include my children. 

Here are a few pics from past classes..

During one class we learned about composting, vermicompost, drip irrigation, and more

Mr. E's garden and chicken coop in the background

how to vermicompost

beets in a tub

During another class we learned all about bee's .. well, a lot about bees!

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Honey comb

Man made snag for wild/ native bees to make their homes

We ... I mean the kids ( o.k. we because I am there too and  I learn so much!) also had an astronomy class with Mr. E and it was so cool! I wish I had taken pictures but they did get to look at the sun through a special film which made the sun look kinda like the moon, without the blinding rays and all.  It's called a BAADER film if you are interested in one. 

Next month we are lucky enough to be having a class all about chickens which I think is awesome because one day I would love to have some. I think the kids will love it also because they keep begging me to let them move to a farm. My oldest says she is " an accidental city girl", waiting to be a "farm/ cowgirl"

It's no mystery, I think we are pretty blessed by Mr.E

We'll be seeing you next time!