Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Magic

Summer Magic

Maybe it’s because I watched too many movies when I was a kid or maybe it’s because I am just an old fuddy duddy romantic but, I have to tell you that today I feel like part of that old Hayley Mills movie “Summer Magic.”  Burl Ives is in the background singing “the ladybug crawl.” Summer is knocking on our door.  I am feeling the magic. Few things inspire and refresh me like some simple garden goodness. There is something beautiful about waking up in the morning to clean grassy smells and spotting bright red and orange tomatoes dotted between leaves like the adult version of a treasure hunt. Little jewels just waiting to be plucked. Even more lovely is walking through the dewy earth, picking out flowers to look at with my little boy, getting to explain the difference between a male and female squash blossom, and the look of excitement when he understands and can tell me on his own about the one he has found. The rewards of the garden are numerous. 

Today I wished for scent-o-blog. You know where you can actually smell what I am talking about. I wished it today when I sliced open the first heirloom rainbow tomato of the season and the smell wafted up all tangy and clean. I wished it again as we roasted a batch of tomatoes to be later made into sauce for our linguine at dinner. The smell of sweet tomatoes, drizzled in olive oil caramelizing in the oven.

There is something called a mandala in Eastern Religions ; a part of their sacred art, a representation of balance. The word mandala in itself means circle in Sanskirt. Interestingly enough I first learned of the mandala through a gardening article and although I am not a follower of these religions nor do I  see the mandala as a representation of  any belief system I can see how the garden is similar in some regards. I easily see the beauty, the art, the sacred gifts, blessings given by God.  Playing out in a circle or more accurately  the cycles of the garden. Unfragmented , cyclical, beautiful, the art of our Creator.  

My hope for you is that what ever it is you choose to do with your time, be it gardening, or art, music, etc., that you are experiencing some summer magic!

 Heirloom  Rainbow 

Roma and Heirloom Rainbow tomatoes for sauce  

Roasted tomatoes     


Better Boy tomatoes we used for bisque earlier in the week. That day we had almost 2lbs of tomato      

  Tomato bisque

I could not close this entry without a nod to the movie “Fresh” another great movie with an emphasis on healthier, more sustainable food.  To see the trailer please click on the link below.;id=23628

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